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Faithtoberfest 2022

The Joy of Faith in the Middle of the Fall

Faithtoberfest returns! After two years online due to the pandemic, Faithtoberfest returns to a crisp autumn night outside of FaithTree's home, the Upper Room. On October 14 at 6:30 pm we will have a special, in-person and live streamed festival of incredible music from gifted artists all around our area, entertaining skits and terrific gift card prizes! Come in person if you can, because we will have delicious food as part of the festivities, but either way, please RSVP for this year's event and relive last year's fantastic festivities, below.

Righteousness Matters (September 18, 2022)

Righteousness matters, but ours always falls short. What are we to do?

Resurrection Gospel (September 18, 2022)

Wouldn’t we all love a second chance? Jesus’ resurrection means that we have that second chance, third, or fourth. We are studying 1 Corinthians 15 and learning that the resurrection gospel is good news for anyone, any time, for any failure. That’s grace. And THAT is good news.

Don't Love the World (September 18, 2022)

What do we love? The world that God has saved us from or the one who saves the world?

Songs for Our Temple (Week 38: Ps. 112-114)

Jim takes us through Psalms 112-114 as we continue our one year journey through these songs praising God and applying His truth to our lives.

The Coronation (September 12, 2022)

As we turn to the next part of Psalm 2, how do we understand the language of the Messiah being “begotten”? What does that tell us about the confidence we can have in Him?

The End is Near (Sept. 11, 2022)

Do you believe the end is near? We are told to be prepared and to be patient. But in that patience, we also need to be urgent! Because the end is coming.

Salting the World (September 11, 2022)

Are we offering cleansing and hope to those in the world? Or are we racing to match the world to the point that we have nothing to offer?

Be Vigilant (September 11, 2022)

John calls us to be vigilant to spiritual threats, offering a message that went against the flow.

Why Membership (Sept. 11, 2022)

Jesus assembles us together to be His representation in the world.

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