Pastor Tim takes us through Psalms 100-102, which highlight more encouragement to worship, insights into the character of a leader and comfort when prayer seems to go unanswered.
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. As we find ourselves in the middle of 2022, let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our fifth Online Prayer Walk all day on August 18! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
You may not get what you want, but God gives us what we need to make an impact for the Kingdom of God.
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. As we find ourselves in the middle of 2022, let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our fifth Online Prayer Walk all day on August 18! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. As we reach 2022, let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our fourth Online Prayer Walk on February 3! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
The Bible calls us to pray on all occasions and to constantly pray for God’s people (Ephesians 6:18). FaithTree Online Prayer Walks have each gathered hundreds of believers from around the world to pray before our faithful God. As we reach 2022, let’s join together to pray in Jesus’s name once again at our fourth Online Prayer Walk all day today! We are excited to see what God will do through this time!
How should we be people of thanksgiving not just as we enter the month that features “Thanksgiving Day,” but every day?
How confident are you in your prayer life? Do you wrestle with if you are praying enough? Praying effectively?
As the Temple built to worship God was dedicated, King Solomon stopped and prayed to the Lord. In the king’s prayer, we are pointed to truths about God is, what He does for us and how we can come before Him today.
How do we follow God’s leading in our lives? Are we seeking His guidance? Are we serving His people?