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Sunset Service Livestream

Streaming Live on Will Return in the Near Future

We always love when you can join us in person, but due to the pandemic we are streaming online only for the rest of 2020. Please join our stream and share in fellowship on chat during it!

Where to Find Us

FaithTree Christian Fellowship is based at the Upper Room at 335 Droste Rd. in St. Charles, MO. Sometimes people get thrown off when looking for us, because we are located on the rear side of the shopping center; when you pull in, simply drive around back, where you will find ample parking. Before events, we always put up clear signage to make it easier to spot us.

One Better

Join us as we begin 2019 with a new message series from Hebrews 12.

One Better: Disciplined and Loved by the Father

Pastor Brad Harris and Tim Mauldin share from Hebrews 12:5-11 as we reflect on how God's love is revealed even when he disciplines us.

O Christmas (Faith)Tree

Relive the Joy and Festivities Right Now

O Christmas (Faith)Tree is something very special: a celebratory service at 7:00 p.m. that interweaves favorite Christmas carols and songs — both old and new and in a range of styles — with the story of Christmas that runs from Genesis through Revelation. This year, making use of the live-streaming format of the service, we are celebrating Christmas around the world, with Scripture readings from readers on almost every continent. We also have several special musical pieces from JGM Church's choirs in Nairobi, Kenya to accompany the FaithTree worship teams musical contributions to the service.


Feasting, Festivities and Faith on October 5.

As fall begins, we'll have a festive evening of delicious food, a root beer tasting contest, fun games, fantastic prizes and an outdoor worship concert! This will be a great night to get to know young adults from local churches, campus ministries and more, get plugged in and just have fun. Please sign up right away by going to our Faithtoberfest Facebook Event. The fun starts at 6:30 p.m.

Opening Extravaganza

Canceled Due to Weather, but Returns as Faithtoberfest!

We're going to have a fantastic combination of great food, fun summer games, music and more! This will be a great night to get to know young adults from local churches, campus ministries and more, get plugged in (or reconnected for the year) and just have fun. Please sign up right away by going to our Opening Extravaganza Facebook Event. The fun starts at 5:30 p.m.

Get Your Church Involved

FaithTree is of the local church and for the local church. What do we mean by that? We want to strengthen our local churches' ability to show the love of Jesus to those in our community. We also believe that an important part of the Christian life is being committed to mutual encouragement with other believers in a local church and aim to see FaithTree help each person who comes and does not have a local church family to find one.

Winter Weather Policy

In case of inclement weather on the day of an event, we have a simple overview of our winter weather policy.

International Student Fellowship at Lindenwood

International Student Fellowship (ISF) is a student organization which celebrates and supports the unique diversity of the Lindenwood University student body. The core of this group is the international student population, but it draws its vitality and energy from everyone open to growing with us, including local community members. At ISF you can make friends and be a friend so your stay in the U.S.A. is fun, meaningful and connected.

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