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Christmas at Little Hills

Come Celebrate with Us

God is with us — that’s what we celebrate at Christmastime! As we enter into this season, we are going to take time to look at how His Spirit led men and women that first Christmas, and leads us now, that we can rejoice in His love.

Blue Christmas

A Service of Hope in Grief

As we approach the Christmas season, we often feel weighed down by losses, hurts and disappointments that seem to conflict with all the celebrations around us. Blue Christmas is meant to help us bring these things before our God, who understands. Christmas, after all, is about Him coming into the world to restore the things that are broken — including us.

This service will be both in-person and live streamed at 7 pm on December 1. Please join us in-person if you can; if you cannot, you can find the service on your favorite streaming service below. For those watching online, consider having a candle available to light at a time you will be prompted to do so later in the service.

Christmas Cilantro (November 27, 2023)

Even timeless Christmas traditions ultimately prove… less than timeless. Is there anything we can really hold onto?

King David (November 26, 2023)

Sermon Series on what the Kingdom of God is like.

This Week at Little Hills: What Does God Require in the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Commandments? (November 25, 2023)

Pastor Tim takes us to the question “What Does God Require in the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Commandments,” the eleventh question of the New City Catechism to help us start the consideration of the question ahead of this week’s Sunday School Express.

The Man Behind the Fish (November 20, 2023)

As we look at the conclusion of Psalm 6 tonight, we explore how David emerges from deep despair even though things aren’t yet fully “right.”

This Week at Little Hills: What Does God Require in the Fourth and Fifth Commandments? (November 18, 2023)

Jim takes us to the question “What does God require in the fourth and fifth commandments?,” the tenth question of the New City Catechism, as part of the launch of Sunday School Express.

Are you ready if Christ returns today? (November 11, 2023)

Sermon Series on what the Kingdom of God is like.

Authenticated Plans (November 13, 2023)

What (or whom) do we trust in when everything seems uncertain? David takes us on a journey to the right place of trust as we continue in Psalm 6.

This Week at Little Hills: What Does God Require in the First, Second and Third Commandments? (November 11, 2023)

Pastor Tim takes us to the question “What does God require in the first, second, and third commandments?,” the ninth question of the New City Catechism, as part of the launch of Sunday School Express.

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