FaithTree is of the local church and for the local church. What do we mean by that? We want to strengthen our local churches' ability to show the love of Jesus to those in our community. We also believe that an important part of the Christian life is being committed to mutual encouragement with other believers in a local church and aim to see FaithTree help each person who comes and does not have a local church family to find one.
From the beginning, we have been a ministry whose foundation is grounded in local churches serving young adults through our unique “multigenerational young adult ministry” format that encourages believers of all ages to come take part and show Jesus's love to the young adults (and everyone else) who come through our doors. We always welcome additional local churches to getting involved in that effort. Getting involved is easy and can happen in different ways depending on your church and its unique ministry situation.
The means of involvement listed below are examples of ways different churches involved with FaithTree have connected with us, but are not the only ways you can get involved. If you sense that God may be calling your church to plugin to our efforts, we would love to discuss with you how we might uniquely partner with your church in this Gospel ministry.
Many churches find ministry to young adults difficult because so many young adults head off to college and those who stay in the area find themselves with few people in their home church ministering to their peers. Several of our partner churches have begun listing FaithTree's events in their church calendar as part of their young adult ministry, so that those already in their congregations (or those who visit) see that the church is actually excited about young adult ministry. Likewise, partner churches who have more active young adult groups have encouraged those young adults to come as a group to FaithTree events, allowing them to not only be ministered to, but also to minister to other young adults.
The point is never to draw young adults away from the local church, but to encourage them with fellowship amongst other believers while they also may help those who arrive at FaithTree without a local church to get to know folks at local churches, including yours.
FaithTree believes in intergenerational ministry; it is in the very fiber of how we do ministry. Involving those in your congregation who are not young adults, but want to help serve helps show those coming to FaithTree that the body of Christ cares about them, allows all of us to learn and be blessed by each other's fellowship and lets college students and other young adults new to the area get to know the people of our area churches. We need volunteers willing to pray with young adults who come, play in the worship team, prepare food for events, help with behind the scenes needs and more.
Your pastoral staff, seminary interns and others who may be interested in serving are encourage to connect with us for opportunities to share God's Word and participate in the liturgy of our services, as well. Our goal is to involve our partner churches in the services so that the services themselves are representative of what FaithTree is: of and by the local church.
Please let us know how you would like to serve by contacting Pastor Tim.
While FaithTree operates on an efficient, lean budget, there are still real expenses in ministry. We are essential a “local mission” and depend on the support of local churches and individuals with a passion for young adults to give in order for us to fund our efforts. Your one time or reoccurring support commitment provide Pastor Tim with a salary to enable him to serve as FaithTree's pastor/director, fund the cost of events, pay for costs around our facility use and various other related expenses. Would you consider making FaithTree a ministry supported by your missions or young adult ministry budget? You can securely give online here. You can also give by mail by sending a check to:
FaithTree Christian Fellowship
2947 Plum Leaf Circle
St. Peters, MO 63303-1220