Your search for "Luke 2" returned 6 results, sorted by date (Sort by Relevance). You are viewing page 1 of 1.
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The Boring Sermon (January 10, 2022)

As we move on from the 220;spectacular221; of Christmas, what does the last part of Luke 2 tell us about living in the boring and ordinary?

Lawbreaker (November 8, 2021)

Who is the real lawbreaker? The Pharisees thought Jesus was. In this series we217;ll turn to Luke 5 and 6 to think about God217;s Law, legalism and restoring grace.

A Pop God is a Bad Dad (August 2, 2021)

A common cultural belief is that God is a bad dad. A look at Luke 15 shows us God as the greatest dad there ever was.

Crazy Prayers (May 9, 2021)

Our culture, tired of injustices, is saying, “Enough prayers. More actions.” While action is always important, the Persistent Widow, in Luke 18:1-8, reminds us that change must always starts with praying like a crazy person. Prayer aligns our heart with Jesus217;. Before we jump into action, we need to make sure our hearts are aligned with his.

How Much Do I Need to Love My Neighbor?

As we conclude our series, 220;Who is My Neighbor,221; Pastor Tim takes us back to the Parable of the Good Samaritan one more time to consider what Jesus calls us to when it comes to how 220;much221; we need to love.

Who Is My Neighbor?

Join us tonight as Pastor Tim begins a series on the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), thinking about how we love the people God places into our lives.

Your search for "Luke 2" returned 6 results, sorted by date (Sort by Relevance). You are viewing page 1 of 1.